About UsMission Statement:
Chicago Land Simcha Schools [CLaSS] is the Torah-based center for interdependent learning in the Chicago area. Our mission is to provide both the physical and mental space needed for children to take ownership of their learning. We encourage children to learn according to their own G-d given style and to learn from everyone. Dr. Martha Bockian has successfully completed Rabbi Aryeh Nivin's Yeud Life Coaching Course Level 1 for Adults. This paradigm will be adapted by Dr. Bockian to the students at CLaSS according to their individual capacities. Younger students will obviously have a different perspective than older students and adults. This training is intended to help students learn about their unique positive life's purpose, how to be objective and to have balance in their lives, choose their Yearly Direction, and to map out their Yearly Plan. In this manner they can choose their studies according to their own needs and in their own ways (i.e., al pi darko). Dr. Bockian is available for Ye'ud Coaching to members of the community as well as to CLaSS-Mates. Rabbi Nivin is available for paid consultations. We all have a mission in life. Why wait until adulthood to pursue it? |
Limudei KodeshShlomo HaMelech taught us the wisdom of Chanoch le'naar al pi darko gam ki yazkin lo yasur mimena (Mishlei [Proverbs], 22:6). When a child is taught in the way he/she best learns, the learning stays forever. As servants of Hashem, we need to learn Torah to the best of our abilities. This needs to be role-modeled for children both in school and at home. They need to see us grow in learning and service. It needs to be discussed and encouraged according to a child's inclinations.
Clearly, children do not teach themselves Torah. Our mesorah holds that in an ideal world, it is the father who teaches Torah. By the first century C.E., due to large numbers of orphans, mandatory schooling was set up by Yehoshua ben Gamla. In the early 20th century, Sarah Schenirer instituted solid Torah schools for girls. We plan to meet today's challenges by going back to basics: teaching "al pi darko." |
Limudei CholCuriosity killed the cat? Satisfaction brought it back! We humans don't seem to have nine lives, as fable decrees it for the cats. Only Hashem decides how many lives we will have; we only know we have to make the best of this one. A child's natural curiosity serves as the best teacher. Adults function as facilitators of felicity fulfillment, without feline fatalities.
The vast majority of children are able to learn basic secular subjects (e.g., reading, math, scientific principles) without sitting in a desk all day. We are inspired by the secular learning we see happening at the Sudbury School in Massachusetts, as well as the Tallgrass Sudbury closer to home in Riverside, Illinois. |
Child-DirectedMark Twain never let his schooling get in the way of his education. Robert Frost said the only education worth anything was self-education. Albert Einstein believed it a miracle that curiosity can survive formal education. Rashi said that teachers learn from their students' discussions.
We believe that the best way for a child to learn "al pi darko" (according to his/her own way) is to have the child lead the way. Each of us is ultimately responsible for our own outcome, yet we depend on each other for support and growth. We need to learn from everyone. We need to learn our whole lives. We are not Moshe Rabbeinu; we are not Reb Zusia. We need to learn in our own ways to become our best selves! |
Healthy LivingWe should take care of our health. There can be plenty of disagreement about what that means specifically, but most people would agree in a general manner that we should do so. We think that nutritious food, play and exercise are all vital to a physically and mentally healthy life. Please see the "Links" to health-related articles.